23. May 2023

Third unconference by NetKnights

Take a break from everyday business life: NetKnights is holding its third internal unconference in the countryside of Saxony-Anhalt. During these days, the team consciously takes time to talk about important content and organizational matters. In this slowed-down contrast to everyday business life, the focus is also on working together as a team.

In May, seven NetKnights went to the countryside of Saxony-Anhalt for two days – to the Diaspora.

Some NetKnights at their unconference

Here we wanted to retreat (No cell phone reception at some providers!) and think about relevant topics away from the daily work routine. For the third time now, we are taking the time to share problems, ideas or concepts that get lost among the pressing issues of everyday work.


We conducted this as part of an unconference. The proposed topics were evaluated on the evening of arrival and from this we created the discussion slots for the following day. We discussed technical things like "do microservices make sense" or the idea of pre-authentication. (see Github)

The idea of introducing a knowledgebase was also well received.

10 Years NetKnights

But we also discussed soft topics such as added value for customers and customer events. In 2024, NetKnights will celebrate its 10th anniversary. We also continued planning this.

May provided us with wonderful weather. The location gave us peace and space to let our thoughts wander next to the barbecue in the evening.

We are happy when we can continue our work in a natural and creative way and thus improve it more and more for our customers.

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