Flexible Two-Factor Authentication at ownCloud

With the new version 2.5 of the privacyIDEA ownCloud plugin, the administrator can now decide in which case he wants users to authenticate with a second factor and when one factor is enough. The administrator can make this dependent on the IP address of the requesting client. For example, he can force access from the […]

More flexibility at the two-factor authentication in ownCloud

Version 2.4 of the privacyIDEA ownCloud App allows for more flexibility with the 2FA login at ownCloud. Using privacyIDEA the administrator can centrally manage users and the second factors of users. With the new release the administrator can also exclude certain user groups from the login with 2FA.

privacyIDEA 2.21 with a more secure smartphone enrollment

Today privacyIDEA 2.21 was released. Read about it on the privacyIDEA project page. With privacyIDEA 2.21 it will be possible to enroll smartphone based tokens in a more secure manner and mitigate the threat of simply copying the QR code of the enrolled token. NetKnights still runs a beta test of a new smartphone app. […]

privacyIDEA 2.20.1 Enterprise Edition released

Today we released the stable version 2.20.1 of the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition. The Enterprise Edition as version 2.X.1 is released a few weeks after the corresponding major public release and contains necessary bug fixes. We already wrote about version 2.20. Version 2.20.1 now fixes some minor bugs: When using PostgreSQL database the administrator can now […]

Federated authentication with privacyIDEA 2.20

Today we released privacyIDEA 2.20. Packages are publically available in the Laundpad repositories for Ubuntu 14.04LTS and 16.04LTS. You can also install the new version via the Python Package Index on any other distribution. New Features in privacyIDEA Federation-Handler The new federation handler allows to forward authentication requests to sibling privacyIDEA instances. This way you can setup network […]

World Wide Web Consortium is enrolling 2FA using privacyIDEA

Kassel, September, 26th 2017. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is implementing privacyIDEA for securing access to their infrastructure with a second factor. The privacyIDEA Authentication System was chosen due to its flexible nature and the possibility to allow a single sign on experience for the users. The services and especially the users are distributed […]

About Enterprise File Encryption

This article was first published at owncloud. Your Data is at risk. And thus is your personal life and your company’s values. You avoid hackers, trade espionage and rogue governments getting your data by using your own cloud storage like ownCloud. Your data under your control. But depending on where your storage is located some […]

privacyIDEA 2.19 – Performance, U2F and secure Smartphone Apps

Today we released privacyIDEA 2.19. Packages are available in the Launchpad-Repos for Ubuntu 14.04LTS and 16.04LTS. You can also install privacyIDEA on any Linux distribution using the python package index. New Features in privacyIDEA Authentication performance In tests in the lab privacyIDEA 2.19 shows improved performance. Authentication requests are up to 72% faster than in the previous […]

Simple enterprise ready 2FA for ownCloud X

A few days ago ownCloud introduced the new market place. Using the market place ownCloud adminsitrators  can easily and quickly install ownCloud apps. The privacyIDEA ownCloud App by NetKnights is one of the first available apps in the market place. Using the privacyIDEA ownCloud App companies and organizations can secure the login to ownCloud with […]


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