Protect your data in your ownCloud with a second factor
The privacyIDEA ownCloud app allows logging into ownCloud with a second factor that is authenticated against privacyIDEA. This way you increase the security of your online data. Unwanted data leakage due to stored, weak or stolen passwords is prevented.
Using the privacyIDEA audit log you can also see which user logged in to ownCloud, when and with which authentication device.
A user can now use the very same token – managed within privacyIDEA – to login to ownCloud, to the VPN or to SSH servers…
The privacyIDEA ownCloud App is available for ownCloud higher then version 9.1.
Service Level Agreements and Pricing
The privacyIDEA ownCLoud App is an Add-On to the subscription for the privacyIDEA Authentication Server.
Included in all support levels:
- Support term 1 year:The support is agreed on for one year.
- Product liability: The AGPLv3 license contains the passus WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. If you are running privacyIDEA and the privacyIDEA ownCloud App productively you may need a product liability which is granted by NetKnights.
- Product enhancements: Assure the continuous development of privacyIDEA and the privacyIDEA ownCloud App.
- Support via Email and Web: Support calls can be opened via Email or Web interface. The support case can be tracked via Web interface. The support case can be tracked via Web interface.
- Security and bug notification:You are informed regarding security aspects of the product and bugs via email.

12x5: Mo - Fr 8am -8pm (CET)
Response time: 4h
Up to 10 installations in your own data center
All users included
Telephone support
Preferred feature implementation
8×5: Mo – Fr 9am -5pm (CET)
Response time: 4h
One Installation
5000 users included
Telephone support
Preferred feature implementation
Small Business
8×5: Mo – Fr 9am -5pm (CET)
Response time: 8h
One Installation
5000 users included