9. March 2017

privacyIDEA 2.18 – authentication and trust

Today privacyIDEA 2.18 was released. Packages are available in the launchpad respository for Ubuntu 14.04LTS and 16.04LTS. Using the Python package index privacyIDEA can be installed on any distribution.

privacyIDEA manages certificate authorities

The flexible Open Source multi-factor-authentication system privacyIDEA comes with new featues in regards to certificate authorities. In addition to OTP tokens, smartphones, email- and SMS-token, Yubikeys and Nitrokeys privacyIDEA has improved the managing capabilites of certificate tokens. The administrator can use a setup wizard to setup a local CA more easily. If a certificate token is revoked, the CRL will be created automatically. Using certificate templates it is easier for administrators and users to enroll the type of certificate which suites the best.

You can get more information from the privacyIDEA blog.


Further Enhancements

privacyIDEA 2.18 comes with a lot of further enhancements which will ease the work with your privacyIDEA installation. You should definitively take a look at the complete Changelog.

If your users are located in an LDAP directory you should check the settings of your LDAP resolver. The new version of privacyIDEA relies on a new version of the Python ldap3 module and the privacyIDEA can easily check the validity of the LDAP server certificate thus mitigating the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks.

Enterprise Edition

NetKnights provides consulting and support with the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition. Using Open Source you optimize your total cost of ownership this way, that there are no external limitations which dictate how long or short your may use the software. Getting the privacyIDEA Enterprise Edition including an SLA you get the warranty and thus operating safety.

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