30. May 2022

NetKnights host second internal unconference

In the middle of the Harz mountains, the NetKnights set up camp to discuss organizational and technical topics.

For the second time, the NetKnights came together to discuss topics away from the normal office routine. Topics that find no place in everyday life or are simply not very concrete.

In the middle of the Harz mountains, the camp was set up to discuss organizational and technical topics. Topics such as microservices, biometrics or the closer integration of privacyIDEA Authenticator were discussed as well as possible future event formats and trade fair visits.

In a relaxed atmosphere, the grill was fired up and the pizza oven heated up. Thanks to the relaxed atmosphere, everyone was able to give free rein to their ideas and thoughts and some suggestions for the future were taken away. One thing is for sure: Unconference 3.0 will definitely take place.

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