Über privacyIDEA und den Support von den NetKnights

Sie überlegen, privacyIDEA in Ihrem Unternehmen einzusetzen und Support von der NetKnights zu beziehen? In diesem Blogbeitrag möchten wir Ihnen mehr über unsere Software privacyIDEA erzählen und was Sie von anderen MFA-Lösungen unterscheidet.
The first privacyIDEA Summit 2024

On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, the moment had finally arrived: NetKnights GmbH hosted the first privacyIDEA Summit in Kassel. Customers and partners from all over Germany and Austria accepted the invitation and met for a day full of exciting discussions about privacyIDEA, multi-factor authentication and current IT security topics.
10 years of NetKnights

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of NetKnights, we celebrated our anniversary party last week at the Renthof in Kassel. Companions, coaches, employees and their partners came together to celebrate this special event. Together we looked back on 10 years of NetKnights’ history.
NetKnights Unconference 2024

Every year, the NetKnights team leaves Kassel for several days to hold an unconference. This time, they went to Hohenroda to discuss topics that don’t get enough room in everyday business life and to spend time together as a team.
NetKnights at SCaLE 21x

In March, three colleagues visited the Southern California Linux Expo in Pasadena to present privacyIDEA and NetKnights. Cornelius Kölbel, founder of NetKnights, also gave a presentation on “A decade of Open Source”.
privacyIDEA Authenticator App Version 4.3.0 released

NetKnights GmbH has released version 4.3.0 of the privacyIDEA Authenticator app. New features have been added, such as the import of tokens and a new search function.
privacyIDEA Credential Provider 3.5.0 and privacyIDEA Owncloud Plugin 3.2.0 released

NetKnights GmbH releases version 3.2 of the privacyIDEA OwnCloud Plugin and version 3.5 of the privacyIDEA Credential Provider. New features have been added to both components and existing functions have been improved.
NetKnights Customer Day 2023

In November, NetKnights invited their customers to Kassel to talk about privacyIDEA. For a whole day, multi-factor authentication was discussed in the Villa Salve, near the famous Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe. The customer day was also a platform for customers to network with each other and get to know the faces behind privacyIDEA.
Third unconference by NetKnights

Take a break from everyday business life: NetKnights is holding its third internal unconference in the countryside of Saxony-Anhalt. During these days, the team consciously takes time to talk about important content and organizational matters. In this slowed-down contrast to everyday business life, the focus is also on working together as a team.
First Internal Hackathon at NetKnights

In retreat from the daily work routine, four NetKnights developers concentrated on the work on the future release 3.8 of the privacyIDEA server.