28. November 2023

privacyIDEA releases privacyIDEA PAM and privacyIDEA Shibboleth Plugin

NetKnights GmbH provides interested users with the privacyIDEA Pluggable-Authentication-Module (PAM) for Linux in beta version and the privacyIDEA Shibboleth Plugin in version 1.0.0. While the privacyIDEA PAM enables multi-factor authentication on Linux systems, the privacyIDEA Shibboleth Plugin extends the privacyIDEA SSO Plugin family.

Kassel 28.11.2023 – NetKnights GmbH has released the beta version of the privacyIDEA Pluggable-Authentication-Module (PAM) for Linux and the privacyIDEA Shibboleth Plugin in Version 1.0.0 for interested users. While the privacyiDEA PAM enables multi-factor authentication on Linux systems, the privacyIDEA Shibboleth Plugin extends the SSO plugin family of privacyIDEA.

Supported token types

Both privacyIDEA PAM and the privacyiDEA Shibboleth plugin support all common tokens such as OTP tokens, challenge-response tokens as well as PUSH and multi-challenge tokens.

Offline authentication is also possible with the privacyIDEA PAM. This allows users to authenticate themselves when the privacyIDEA server is not available. This is particularly useful, if the user wants to log in to their Linux laptop with a smartphone HOTP token or a Yubikey while travelling.

Benefits of privacyIDEA PAM and privacyIDEA Shibboleth Plugin

privacyIDEA PAM is completely rewritten in C, replacing the outdated Python-based module that proved to be unmaintable. This allows a broader use and easier maintainability as well as more robust updates. Administrators who previously used pam_radius can now be happy to get away from the dependency on RADIUS. privacyIDEA PAM communicates directly with the privacyIDEA server via TLS. The communication is completely encrypted and sensitive data like active directory passwords are securely protected in the communication. Thanks to the offline functionality of privacyiDEA PAM, the administrator can also enable access even if the privacyIDEA server system is not available.

The Shibboleth plugin allows organisations to seamlessly integrate strong two-factor authentication from privacyIDEA into their existing infrastructure. It offers companies the opportunity to strengthen their authentication processes and make them more flexible while maintaining the user-friendliness of their existing systems. Consequently, it extends privacyIDEA’s SSO plugin family, which consists of plugins for simpleSAMLphp, Microsoft ADFS, Keycloak and Gluu.

Both solutions show that open source is an opportunity for diverse solutions and it enables NetKnights to improve the status quo of existing systems. This makes it possible to programme software that is tailored to the needs of users and gives them back control over their data.


We are currently offering the privacyIDEA PAM to our customers in a controlled way, as we would like to collect your feedback at this point. Please contact us via info@netknights.it if you would like to use the privacyIDEA PAM.

The privacyIDEA Shibboleth plugin is available for download in version 1.0.0 on Github. In line with the NetKnights philosophy, both products are open source. Users can conclude a service level agreement via NetKnights in order to operate the software solutions securely and reliably.

About privacyIDEA

privacyIDEA is an open source multi-client and multi-instance capable system for multi-factor authentication. It is developed transparently on Github.

Further information about the latest developments around privacyIDEA can be found at: https://netknights.it/en/news/

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