29. July 2022

First Internal Hackathon at NetKnights

In retreat from the daily work routine, four NetKnights developers concentrated on the work on the future release 3.8 of the privacyIDEA server.

Developing in a relaxed atmosphere

It is often difficult to create space for discussing open topics in everyday working life between all the deadlines and meetings. That’s why we want to create space in our company to consciously take time for joint development. True to the motto “after the release is before the release”, some of the NetKnights developers took time out to focus on issues for the privacyIDEA Server Release 3.8.

In midsummer temperatures of over 30 degrees, not only the computers were glowing, but also the minds. However, the internal hackathon wasn’t just about programming and brainstorming for the upcoming release. Instead, we saw this time-out as an opportunity to broaden our creative horizons and gain a better understanding of our personal strengths and talents.

Thanks to the small and focused group, we were able to work on new features for the server release both as a group and individually. The major functions that were worked on were, e.g. the Microsoft CA connection and authentication from the LDAP resolver via Kerberos. These two new functions will be implemented in version 3.8 of the privacyIDEA Server, the expected release date of this version is set for the end of November/beginning of December.

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